Yes, another new start... someone I work with showed me this one, geez she knows me well! It's a typical Bent Creek pattern, their catch is to include little tiny snaps as embellishment but I just don't like them. Pretty beads or fancy buttons enhance projects by giving them colour, character or sparkle... these snap things make we want them snapped to each other! Needless to say, I am not going to attach them! I did a 'floss toss' the other day after work, pulling the overdyeds and corresponding DMC numbers and most of the time I would see that going with overdyeds produces the best results but this time I just didn't see it. I will proceed with this project using DMC and stitching on 32ct Mushroom Lugana. Hubby saw me pull out blank fabric and said "Oh no, not a new one..." See, the verse states:
'An invisible red thread connects those destined to meet... it may stretch or tangle, but never breaks.'

That describes the history of our relationship perfectly. We've known each other our entire lives, literally grew up together. We started relationships and families independently of each other, until one day, one very happy day, fate brought us back together. That's all it took. One glance on one day. See? We have a Red Thread! Once hubby understood, I got the 'go ahead' nod and a small smile. He gets it and he gets me.
The Red Thread by Bent Creek

I will work this one doing a new square every two weeks. In between it's going to live at work, maybe you'll stop in and see it and be tempted to stitch it too :)
Have a sweet and special Mother's Day. Love you Mom! We'll call you Sunday and we really wish you were here! Come home soon, ok? 'No es television, es HBO'! Remember?

Mom 'n Me, Mexico 2000
Happy Mother's Day everyone, happy stitching!