Thursday, November 22, 2007

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

Finished! I need to check the basement but I might just have the right fabric to make this into a nice big stitching project bag. I'll post a picture of it as soon as I've dug it out of that box... one of 15 boxes I will have to dig through! Hopefully having this to motivate me will enable me to pick the sewing machine up off the floor of the dining room and get those things that need mending done too. It's been there for 5 months. I guess I am going to make a decision about my Ottawa Sampler and get it done now, it would be nice to frame and hang it by Christmas, but I have budget issues to deal with ;)

On another happy note, I will be taking a wild leap into employment... my LNS (which is one of my webdesign clients) has asked me to work in their store, part time. Not having worked retail in 15 years, I am nervous but excited at the same time. I start Tuesday. Wish me luck!?


Anonymous said...

It looks great Babe.

You don't need luck for your new job, you are going to do great!

I love you,

Dani - tkdchick said...

Congrats Manon that looks so fun! I was trying to figure what I'd do with mine if I ever stitch it... but a stitching bag is the PERFECT solution!

How was your first day at work! I bet you did great!

P.S. are there any cording drills in stock at the shop? Mine fell apart and I hate driving in for things that aren't in stock.